Part 78: Mean Motherfuckers

blue planets are round
red planets are... rhomboid

The weird thing about this area is that it has a lot of lore-building, but just by nature of these awkward lines, it's very difficult to figure out what's going on. I mean, even I have a firm grasp on it.

"'Why?' Don't you guys go to sleep at night? Not that I'm sleepy right now, but..."
"By night, do you mean the condition in which light recedes?"

"There is the entrance."

"But... what's up with everyone here? They're all so... stiff."
We used to have this thing where we conjectured that Auron was closeted, while Jecht and Braska were just full-on flamers. FF10's script was just too suggestive, and when paired with its voice track and a boys' dormitory, you just have a recipe for good times. Or I dunno, disaster if that's what you would rather call it.

"I mean what kind of weirdo doesn't know what is the chronic?"

"Are you talking about Kilika? Even I never called him that!
But too bad for you! He and Holly are super hot for each other!"
"Tell him I am waiting in the underground laboratory."

As annoying as Makie is toward the end of Disc 2 and the beginning of Disc 3, she is actually a pretty funny character.

"What the heck do you mean, I haven't been myself...?
I'm sorry... I don't even know what's wrong with me.
I just... can't concentrate with this blue light..."

"It was... It was the eye on that airship that destroyed Madain Sari.
You remember, don't you? The eye was also there when Alexandria was leveled."

"But that was God. He even said he was mad at us for using aimbots against him."

"That weird girl! The girl that led us here said something strange again!
She said she was waiting for you in some underground laboratory! What a pervert!"

"So, this is what you wanted to show me?"

"I mean, all these guys with tails, who look just like me... They're a bunch of zombies."

"Not just them, but you and me, too.
It is the name of the seed given to all of us. Its name is Genome."

"No wonder I never found it. It's not even on Gaia!"
Now might be a good time to note that back on Disc 2, when Kilika was telling Holly that bedtime story, he mentioned that his only clue about his homeland was a blue light. Now we know it's the weird blue light on Terra. I think it's the light from Gaia, but I could have my facts mixed up.

"Happy? You guys can process that emotion?
Look at 'em! Look at all their blank faces!"

"And we are built to watch over each other and work together as soulless Genomes."
"What's it for!? Get to the point already!
I'm alive! I have a soul! Why is everyone here so..."

"Wait, y'mean, like...


"The will of Garland is absolute..."

"But the true people of Terra have been asleep for ages, waiting for their time to come.
When the time is right, the light of this planet will change from blue to red, and Gaia will become Terra."

"What else can there be? Terra has always absorbed new planets to survive.
And when the time comes, the souls of the people of Terra will occupy the Genomes. Such is the restoration of the people of Terra.
Planets have a cycle of souls. Souls are born from the planet, and then return to it.
Garland planned to gain control of that very cycle...
... and you were supposed to help him achieve that."

tl;dr: what

"And with Holly not feeling well... I wonder where he is."

iz what

"You no answer, so you no mind, right?"

no dammit don't

"You stand here say nothing, then you just like other dummy-dummies. No can tell difference!
They say someone always has double somewhere. There so many of you here!"
"Yeah, I guess..."
"Kilika, what matter? You no seem yourself."
"Hmm? Oh, it's nothing. I'm always myself.
Besides, it's not just me. You look just like your master, too."
"Of course! Master Quayle is Qu Clan! We same!"

this is the YOU PEOPLE lecture
(but no seriously this is pretty much spot on, when it comes to haoles you all look the same except for a couple features that are easy to differentiate between)

geez makakao you shit why did you have to go and commit that faux pas, now they're gonna institutionalize us and saw off our faces and replace them with pig masks

"I'm trying to talk with the natives. This boy here seems to be my age and everything..."
"You're wasting your time. They won't give you a decent answer."
"Oh... But I think I can get through to them."

"I don't know why, but... I... I feel like we're similar."

"I think that their minds are just out to lunch for a little while..."

"don't have time for your n double-a c p rambling"

(an untapped fetish market)

"No challenge, huh?"
"Yeah, I guess not."

FF9: Stay classy.

"I don't remember any loving parents. My first memory is of the face of a guy I had to fight."
"Funny how you put that in the past tense. All due to my wonderful influence."
"Pshhh. What do you want me to do? Thank you?"

"How about you?"

"I told you. You are going to see Garland."
"Yeah, of course. But this way is a dead end."

"Will you not say farewell to your friends?"
"I don't care what I am... I was born here, wasn't I?
If so, then I am an enemy of the people of Gaia.
Make no mistake. I won't join your side.
I just... If we are actually relatives, then..."

"Huh? How come... He was acting kinda strange.
I don't even know what an n double-a c p is"

"I knew something was wrong..."
"Gonna go look for him, right?
I'm tryin' to say I'll go with you. Catch my drift?"

"He went to see Garland on his own."